Categories: SEO

5 Steps to Mastering Visual Content SEO

It’s no secret that visual content is ruling the internet these days, and as long as social networking sites and smart devices hold their ground in the consumer marketplace, images, videos, and infographics aren’t going anywhere soon. However, the truth is that nearly every channel is over saturated and inundated with low-quality, irrelevant visuals.It’s as if everyone is racing to get a choke-hold on the next viral piece of content – at the expense of producing worthless material. If you want to become a visual SEO rock star,there’s a few things you must know. 

There’s Too Much Content 

There is far too much visual content in circulation. According to this infographic by HubSpot and Market Domination Media (ah, yes, a visual in and of itself), this is what’s happening every 60 seconds:

  • 347,222 photos are shared between mobile phones
  • 216,000 photos are posted to social sharing sites and blogs
  • 8,333 videos are shared
  • 3,472 images are pinned on Pinterest
  • 72 hours of video is uploaded

Compound that over a single 24-hour day and you begin to see how much visual content is really out there. How can you  as a marketer  possibly find a way to stand out against the masses? It’s difficult, but not impossible. Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Visual Content In order to avoid further facilitating the publishing of low-quality visuals and to consistently produce content that converts, you should keep some of the following tips in mind:

  • Always include images. As a blogger, or someone who manages a company/client blog, you should make a rule that you never publish a blog post without an accompanying visual. Regardless of how good the writing itself is, you’ll miss out on almost all conversions without an image, graphic, or video to go with it. Large blocks of text intimidate people and words aren’t nearly as effective as compelling visuals. With that being said, not all visuals are created equal and you must find a video or image that fits into your subject matter.
  • Prepare images in advance. If you’re using an original image or illustration and will be uploading it from your computer, you should begin optimizing from the ground up for optimal SEO benefit. You want Google to know exactly what your image is without even having to see it. For example, instead of leaving a picture of the New York City skyline titled “DSC932154.jpg,” you should name the file “new-york-city-skyline-at-night.jpg.” It’s a small touch, but everything detail counts in SEO.
  • Give infographics a shot. Infographics are everywhere, and there’s a reason. Research data shows that infographics are liked and shared exponentially more than any other form of content. While you may not be a graphic designer or artist, there are plenty of sites designed to help you effortlessly build infographics. Furthermore, as long as you give credit, other sites are more than willing to let you share their infographics on your own website, blog, or social media platform. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, as infographics can generate some good back links.
  • Captions matter. When positing images alongside a blog or article, take time to develop a compelling caption. According to KissMetrics, “Captions under images are read on average 300% more than the body copy itself, so not using them, or not using them correctly, means missing out on an opportunity to engage a huge number of potential readers.” It’s also shown that users will read image captions to determine whether or not the rest of the article or post is worth reading. As such, you should be taking these captions as seriously as you would titles.
  • Remember speed. Everyone knows that Google takes page loading speed seriously and rewards sites that are fast, as opposed to those that take five, six, or seven seconds to load. Unless you want to fall into the latter category, you need to pay careful attention to the file size of your images. When possible, scale your image to a smaller pixel size and save it as a smaller file. This will reduce lading times and likely increase conversions.

Visual Content Can Work for You

Just because the large majority of businesses and marketers approach the creation and distribution of visual content wrongly, doesn’t mean you have to. Visual content – when properly approached – has the ability to drive traffic and increase conversions. Use these tips ensure you’re making the most out of every video and image you produce.
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Samuel Edwards

Online Media Strategist at Tenthwave Digital
In my 4+ years as a digital marketing specialist, I have learned the ins and outs of online marketing. I have worked with countless local businesses as well as enterprise Fortune 500 companies and organizations including: NASDAQ OMX, eBay, Duncan Hines, Drew Barrymore, Washington, DC based law firm Price Benowitz LLP and human rights organization Amnesty International. Additionally, I am a recurring speaker at the Search Marketing Expo conference series. Today I continue to work with and establish SEO, PPC and SEM campaigns across all verticals.
Samuel Edwards :In my 4+ years as a digital marketing specialist, I have learned the ins and outs of online marketing. I have worked with countless local businesses as well as enterprise Fortune 500 companies and organizations including: NASDAQ OMX, eBay, Duncan Hines, Drew Barrymore, Washington, DC based law firm Price Benowitz LLP and human rights organization Amnesty International. Additionally, I am a recurring speaker at the Search Marketing Expo conference series. Today I continue to work with and establish SEO, PPC and SEM campaigns across all verticals.