Categories: GooglePay Per Click

AdWords Newest Ad Extension Announced: Structured Snippets

Google AdWords is rolling out structured snippet extensions  as an option to the dynamic ad extension released easier this year.

The original ad extension was dynamic and automatically generated. The information that appears in an ad’s snippet reflects categories of content found on the advertisers site. They are intended to highlight a specific aspect of the product or services offered.

Now, this ad extension gives the advertiser more control and the ability to customize the snippet with a header and a list of values limited to 25 characters per value.

No action is needed by the advertiser and is served automatically based on an eligible ads and landing page content.

This ad extension appears to be similar to the current callout extensions but Google is differentiating its purpose. Callouts should communication a benefit or added value to the searchers, such as “free shipping” or “24 hour customer service”. Structured snippets are intended to communicate categories or amenities, such as “pool” or “fitness center”.

As with all ad extensions, providing additional information in ads about the advertiser’s business is expected to increase relevancy and CTR on ads, thereby securing better quality scores.

Performance data can be found within the ad extensions tab, under the view drop down.

Google intends to roll out structured snippets to all accounts in the next few weeks.

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Lisa Raehsler is the founder and principal strategist at Big Click Co., an online advertising company and Google AdWords Partner, specializing in strategy and management of SEM and PPC for search engines, display, retargeting, and social media ad campaigns. Lisa has led strategy on hundreds of PPC accounts and puts her experience into practice every day as a thought leader in integrating clients' search campaigns across earned, owned, and other paid media.
Lisa Raehsler :Lisa Raehsler is the founder and principal strategist at Big Click Co., an online advertising company and Google AdWords Partner, specializing in strategy and management of SEM and PPC for search engines, display, retargeting, and social media ad campaigns. Lisa has led strategy on hundreds of PPC accounts and puts her experience into practice every day as a thought leader in integrating clients' search campaigns across earned, owned, and other paid media.